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Constantines voice Dacius

“We will gain nothing by dividing our forces.” At the note of assurance in Constantine’s voice Dacius glanced at him sharply. The old soldier had not missed the moment of panic yesterday when, sickened...

Flavius Valerius Constantinus was born

“Your son!” The butcher looked as if he were going to faint. “But they say ”“Whoever they are, you can now set them aright, Constantius said curtly. “Flavius Valerius Constantinus is my son, born...

Constantine slammed into the opponent

Swung at the end of the strapas barbarians swung the spike studded iron balls attached to chains, called matteae, for close fighting the packet of scrolls struck the boy called Trophimus on the wrist,...

The Emperor Claudius

“I’m not alone now,” the larger boy boasted. “We are four against one.”“Tell us the story of your ancestor, the Emperor Claudius,” another of the boys taunted, but Constantine ignored him, his eyes never...

The slave sells them or otherwise damages them

If people have a deficient measure of corn and wine arid do not follow the ancient tradition of their fathers but out of covetousness have unjust measures contrary to those that are appointed, let...

Symeon the Logothete

The chronicle of Symeon Logothete has been preserved in three forms: an original written to magnify the deeds of Romanos Lekapenos; as the continuation to the Epitome of George the Monk; and as the...

Justinian and Theodora

Justinian (b.483- r.527-d.565)Procopius is the most important source for information about the reign of the emperor Justinian. He wrote a number of official histories, including the Buildings and On the Wars. He also...

Franks hurried back to Robert

Afterwards the Franks hurried back to Robert. When he saw them coming empty-handed and heard all that had befallen them, he blamed them all severely, and picked out one of them and threatened to...

Straightway the barbarian

The Emperor first directing his hand aright, struck at his opponent with his spear, which passed right through his breast, and out at the back. Straightway the barbarian fell to the ground and gave...

They kept the Emperor upright

And a strange sight it was to behold. For those on the left strove to overthrow him whilst those on the right fixed their spears against his right side as if opposing the others,...

Suleymaniye Mosque


Embroidered dalmatic