
The Magnificent Era of Suleyman

During the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent (1520-1566), the Ottoman Empire witnessed the pinnacle of its treasury’s prosperity. Historian Hammer chronicled the influx and efflux of gold, silver, and jeweled treasures from both western...

Establishment of Ottoman Treasuries

Yavuz Sultan Selim’s Era The organization of Ottoman treasuries saw its inception during the reign of Yavuz Sultan Selim. This development was prompted by the Sultan’s triumphant return from expeditions to Egypt and Iran, laden...

Unveiling the Exterior Treasury

Undated Construction The Arms Section of Topkapi Palace, which stands today, lacks a specific construction date or inscription. However, it is undoubtedly the second Treasury after the Castle of Seven Towers (Yedikule), despite the potentially...

The slave sells them or otherwise damages them

If people have a deficient measure of corn and wine arid do not follow the ancient tradition of their fathers but out of covetousness have unjust measures contrary to those that are appointed, let...

Symeon the Logothete

The chronicle of Symeon Logothete has been preserved in three forms: an original written to magnify the deeds of Romanos Lekapenos; as the continuation to the Epitome of George the Monk; and as the...

Justinian and Theodora

Justinian (b.483- r.527-d.565) Procopius is the most important source for information about the reign of the emperor Justinian. He wrote a number of official histories, including the Buildings and On the Wars. He also...



Embroidered dalmatic