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Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror’s Conquests and Governance

Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror’s Conquests and Governance Establishment of the Ottoman Treasury Historical records indicate that the existence of a Treasury Department within Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror’s old palace is not well-documented. However, the Ottoman State...

Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror’s Reign

Conquests, Diplomacy, and Governance Execution of Halil Pasha Twenty days after the conquest of Istanbul, Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror returned to Edirne and took decisive action against Halil Pasha of Qandarli for his collaboration with Byzantium....

Diplomatic Correspondence and Gifts

Sultan Mehmet’s Conquest of Istanbul Following the conquest of Istanbul, Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror engaged in diplomatic correspondence with various rulers, including Shah Cihan Mirza of Iran. These letters not only conveyed the news of...

Franks hurried back to Robert

Afterwards the Franks hurried back to Robert. When he saw them coming empty-handed and heard all that had befallen them, he blamed them all severely, and picked out one of them and threatened to...

Straightway the barbarian

The Emperor first directing his hand aright, struck at his opponent with his spear, which passed right through his breast, and out at the back. Straightway the barbarian fell to the ground and gave...

They kept the Emperor upright

And a strange sight it was to behold. For those on the left strove to overthrow him whilst those on the right fixed their spears against his right side as if opposing the others,...

Topkapi Palace


Magister memoriae