
Theoderic assures the Verrucans

Not, Theoderic assures the Verrucans, that they need to be so cautious “in our times”—but it’s always good to prepare for storms in times of calm, for winter in mild weather. A charming riff...

Theoderic paid close attention

On another day, not long afterward, the circus recruited a superstar charioteer named Thomas from one of the cities of the east, to the citizens’ delight. Theoderic paid close attention, assuring everyone that the...

Symmachus to begin the project

Theoderic, writing to Symmachus to begin the project, pulled out all the stops. “We could easily dismiss the stories about this theater if we had not had a chance to see the place: the...

Flavius Valerius Constantinus was born

“Your son!” The butcher looked as if he were going to faint. “But they say ”“Whoever they are, you can now set them aright, Constantius said curtly. “Flavius Valerius Constantinus is my son, born...

Constantine slammed into the opponent

Swung at the end of the strapas barbarians swung the spike studded iron balls attached to chains, called matteae, for close fighting the packet of scrolls struck the boy called Trophimus on the wrist,...

The Emperor Claudius

“I’m not alone now,” the larger boy boasted. “We are four against one.”“Tell us the story of your ancestor, the Emperor Claudius,” another of the boys taunted, but Constantine ignored him, his eyes never...

Embroidered dalmatic